Troubleshooting Mentoring Relationships
Mentors & Mentees Chloe Crotts Mentors & Mentees Chloe Crotts

Troubleshooting Mentoring Relationships

On December 17, 1903, the Wright brothers successfully flew the first airplane for 12 seconds before bringing it in for a landing. This was the culmination of a great deal of work, and was only the beginning of the journey. After countless hours spent planning, calculating, building, and recovering from failed attempts, the Wright brothers permanently altered the world by creating aviation.

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How to Be a Mentor
Mentors & Mentees Chloe Crotts Mentors & Mentees Chloe Crotts

How to Be a Mentor

Winston Churchill famously said, “We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.” Everyone, no matter their current lot in life, can and should benefit from the guidance of a mentor. Mentors can help us to grow, both in specific skills and as people in general. They have experienced the highs and lows of life. They know what it’s like both to succeed and to fail.

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How to Find a Mentor
Mentors & Mentees Chloe Crotts Mentors & Mentees Chloe Crotts

How to Find a Mentor

It’s easy for someone to tell you to get a mentor. It is another thing completely to go out to get one. Many in today’s world have forgotten the benefits of a personal one-on-one mentorship. Some choose to opt for more impersonal methods of self-development by watching videos, listening to podcasts, and reading blog posts and books.

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Why Mentoring Matters
Mentors & Mentees Chloe Crotts Mentors & Mentees Chloe Crotts

Why Mentoring Matters

You should get a mentor. Have you ever been told that? Have you ever told that to someone else? I think we all like the idea of mentorship in a general sense, but a lot of people don’t actually know what a healthy mentor/mentee relationship should look like and why it’s so important to have those relationships present in your life.

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