Yes, Your Health Matters
Habits of Successful People Chloe Crotts Habits of Successful People Chloe Crotts

Yes, Your Health Matters

If you are in any job that involves sitting at a desk, this article is probably for you. And for some of you, this might be the most important piece of advice in this whole series: yes, your health matters. As much as you might think that periodically walking from your desk to the coffee pot is sufficient exercise, I have unfortunate news for you: it’s not.

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Leveraging the Power of Deep Work
Habits of Successful People Chloe Crotts Habits of Successful People Chloe Crotts

Leveraging the Power of Deep Work

Imagine the following scenario: you sit down at your desk, eyes blurry and brain foggy, to begin working. You open up the tabs on your computer and begin to type away, working on the current task that has eaten up most of your sanity for the past several weeks. It is a complex and intimidating task, and you have spent much of your time avoiding the inevitable: one way or another, this project must be completed.

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Creating Systems to Crush Your Goals
Habits of Successful People Chloe Crotts Habits of Successful People Chloe Crotts

Creating Systems to Crush Your Goals

There is nothing wrong with dreaming. Quite the opposite—dreaming is the very thing that gets us started on the path towards success. But the essential truth that so many people miss is that dreaming is only the starting point. It is the first step of a long journey that will hurl countless obstacles in our way. Dreams tell us where to go, but they cannot take us there. Enter: systems.

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