Present Yourself With Distinction

This week we will be looking at the next to last strategy for becoming the best version of yourself. We’ve come a long way from discussing how to invest in your identity, but we have certainly circled back to that theme a lot throughout the series. Today’s post will be no different, because presenting yourself with distinction is about displaying and communicating your identity to the people around you. We do this through the way that we speak, what we communicate when we’re not speaking, and how we dress. So read on to learn how presenting yourself with distinction in these ways can help you reach your full potential.

Speak With Clarity

First things first, how do you talk? Of course, I don’t mean what your accent may sound like. I mean what kind of things do you say, and what kind of atmosphere do you create with those words? When people think of you, they probably won’t remember the exact words you have used all the times they have talked to you, but they will always have in their mind a sense of the kind of things that you say. And if they have a sense of what you say, they’ll also have a sense of the kind of person you are. How you express yourself shapes how people perceive you. You want to stand out as the comforting and sure presence that others gravitate toward. That largely starts with your speech. Take time to consider what you will say and how you will say it. Otherwise, you may end up creating a persona of yourself in people’s minds that you didn’t mean to create and wish you could take back. Present yourself with distinction by speaking with clarity.

Express With Intention

So we know that we need to be mindful with what we say, but what about the times when we don’t have the opportunity to speak? We won’t always be called on or asked to comment. How do we present ourselves with distinction in those situations? Well, if you think about it, even when we aren’t speaking we are still always communicating. The expression on your face gives a clue to how you’re feeling. The way your arms are crossed says something to the people around you. Even the posture with which you stand communicates your figurative posture in a given moment. So we don’t just have to be mindful with what we say, we also have to be aware that we’re always communicating something. Of course there are some circumstances that don’t call for smiling, but, in general, a smile goes a long way! The physical act of smiling is actually good for you, and it communicates to others that you are approachable and good-natured. Expressing yourself intentionally through non-verbal communication can help people know that you are listening actively and are invested in what they are saying.

Dress to Impress

Now we come to presenting ourselves with distinction through what we choose to wear. While it’s true that we shouldn’t think that we know everything about a person based on their appearance, it’s also true that there is a lot you can learn from how someone dresses, accessorizes (or doesn’t accessorize), and styles their hair. So in addition to being mindful of what you are telling people about yourself with what you say and how you hold yourself, you also should be aware of what you’re communicating to the people around you by what you wear. You want to present the most accurate depiction of who you are and what you stand for no matter your occupation. Make sure your clothes are clean and orderly at the very least. Be intentional, because people can always tell when you don’t care.

Stay Comfortable

Lastly, it’s important to stay comfortable. This point may seem to contradict the previous one, but they actually go together more than you might think. Dressing to impress in this context doesn’t mean always dressing formally, so it doesn’t mean that you can’t still wear some of your favorite, more casual clothes. One of the most important things to remember when you are aiming to present yourself with distinction is that you should always be authentic. Don’t dress to impress and completely change your identity. Dress to impress and highlight who you already are. Trying to be someone else will tank the whole operation of becoming the best version of yourself. Don’t leave behind practicality and personal preference. The more comfortable you are, the more authentic you can be.

Next week’s post is the final installment in the 17 Strategies series! Be sure not to miss it.


Be Intentional With Your Time


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