Build a Strong Network

Today, we are looking at how to build a strong network. Having a strong network is crucial to achieving success in the modern world. References and connections to higher-ups will land you that deal you’ve been working on or get you that job you’ve been dreaming of. The great thing about building a network is that you only need one connection to someone higher than you to start building, so let’s look at a few specific areas to build your network in to maximize your work and success. 

Find a Mentor

Getting a mentor is one of the most important ways you can build your network. Having a mentor with experience and connections in the field you are going into will help you get further much faster than if you were on your own. A mentor can help you continue to build your network, by giving you advice that will prevent you from making silly mistakes that you may be overlooking. Trying to be successful is difficult when there is so much information to be processed, and having someone carrying some of the burden and encouraging you allows the load to be somewhat alleviated. You can bounce ideas and thoughts off of your mentor, which will allow you to test them against a second opinion. You can simply allow yourself to open up to your mentor, allowing them to guide you to the next step during a difficult situation. Your mentor is there to help you reach your goals.

The process of acquiring a mentor does not need to be difficult. Your mentor should be in the area you are already in or are trying to get into. Finding a mentor may seem daunting, but it can happen naturally. Start talking about your plans and see if any of the people you are already connected with are good mentor material or have somebody they’re close with that they can put you in contact with. Don’t get discouraged if you do not find someone right away. One great thing about network-building is that you only need one good connection to connect to many other people, which is why having a mentor is vitally important. 

Go to Conferences

Another great way to build your network is by going to conferences. Going to conferences gets you out of your comfort zone and into the middle of other people’s journeys. This allows you to learn from their mistakes and successes, which will make your journey much smoother. Additionally, attending conferences that focus on the field you’re trying to succeed in will allow you to meet people going down the same road you’re traveling. Conferences provide concentrated information, boost morale, and give rest from a monotonous schedule. Attending conferences can assist you in your field of interest with the help of others. 

The connections you make in between talks can assist you in growing your network by learning from each other's mistakes during the continuing of the journey after the conference. It does not need to end at the conference itself! The people you meet may be some of the best connections in the business world you will ever get. Building a network is already a seemingly impossible task when you are first starting out, so why not take the steps in order to make it easier on yourself? Even if it takes some extra effort or time. There is no better way to build a strong network quickly. 

Connect With Successful People

Connecting with successful people is the third way to build a strong network. Successful people have already done the work of putting their names out there and finding people to help them succeed. Really, connecting with successful people will let you reap some of the benefits of their hard work. Surround yourself with people who are more successful than you. Not only will you learn from them, but they will naturally bring you up to their level. Who you let influence you will determine how far you can go. 

Maybe acquiring a mentor will come after surrounding yourself with successful people. And like acquiring a mentor it may take some humility in accepting that a person is more successful than you, but this acceptance can benefit you. Be ready to learn from them and even grow as you see how they deal with rough or difficult situations. You may even start to see yourself benefiting them in some ways, just be readily available for their convenience also, so that they are not wasting their time. So find the successful people in your field, and start networking.

Build Relationships Online

My last tip for building a strong network may seem obvious to one set of people and completely out of left field for another group. Here’s the deal: you’ve got to build relationships online. Build relationships online to connect with people around the world. You’ll meet people who will both encourage you and challenge you. Never before has it been so easy to find a mentor, find conferences, or connect with successful people, because the online world has opened up so many opportunities. You may need to exercise an amount of caution when dealing with relationships, but with some research there is an entire group of people in your same stage of life that are willing to connect and build a working relationship with you. Just like in-person relationships, online relationships also take time and commitment to the goals.  While it may seem awkward initially, you’ll see the benefits and enjoy the people you would’ve never met without our current social networking framework. 

Building a network has always been important for people attempting to be successful, but it’s now more important than ever. One or two good connections can get you much further than twenty years of hard work will get you. This may seem ridiculous, but this is how the world is now. Don’t put yourself at a disadvantage because you don’t want to meet new people and learn from others. Embrace social networking, and get busy today to achieve the success you’re chasing.


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